EventCentric 2025 - Call for Proposals -

Call for Proposals


  • At EventCentric you can either propose a presentation (50 minutes) or a hands-on lab (2 hours).
  • We will run a limited number of pre-conference workshops to tackle topics in more depth: Event-Driven Architectures, Distributed Systems, EventSourcing, Streaming, and Messaging, ...
  • We recommend taking some time to look through best practices for submitting a proposal. We put together a blog post to give you an idea of what we're looking for. 15 Tips for an Effective Call for Papers
  • Expect to present to a knowledgeable, curious audience, who might already have some understanding of your topic, but want to obtain some practical takeaways they can apply in their own work.

Submission deadline: January 16, 2025

Conference (June 4-5)

EventCentric is a new conference about Event-Driven Architectures, Distributed Systems, EventSourcing, Streaming, and Messaging.

This is the conference for you: the people who architect, build, and run these systems. The people who work on these systems day in, day out, and make it work.

We want to see sessions on:

  • Event-Driven Architectures
  • Distributed Systems
  • Event Sourcing
  • Streaming
  • Messaging
  • Novel ideas that challenge current norms
  • Real life experiences with events/streaming in production (failed experiments, post-mortems welcome!)
  • Convergence of streaming and databases/batch processing

Pre-conference workshops (June 2-3)

These workshops are either 1 or 2 full days. These are similar to the hands-on labs during the conference, but dive deeper into the topic. Folks buy these separately to their conference ticket, so we maintain a high bar. We share profits with workshop leads.

Programming languages & Technologies

The conference is by design not focused on one particular programming language or technology. Participants should be able to follow along even if they don't know the particular language or technology.

Spoken language

All sessions are in English.

Submission Process

  • You can submit as many proposals as you like.
  • We do accept some submissions before the deadline, so submit early if you can.
  • We might ask to have a call to clarify the contents of your session or suggest adjustments.
  • We'll let you know in < 60 days after the close date and we'll ask for a final confirmation before announcing you on our site.
  • For those that are accepted, we offer support to make the most of your presentation or workshop. We'll connect you with others, to help develop and evolve your material or be a sounding board. We might ask for you to provide this to other speakers, so that the experienced speakers can pass on their knowledge to new comers.

Increase Your Chances

We get lots of submissions, so going on an abstract alone is hard. Give us as much information about you and your ideas by:

  • Linking to content
  • Talking about it at a local meetup. There are plenty of meetups in the Event-Driven space.
  • Make a video of your synopsis, be creative!
  • Make sure your talk isn't too tool or language specific. Code examples are welcome but they should be understood by folks who don't have a working knowledge of them.
  • Each year we have to reject many great proposals, so if your proposal isn't accepted, please take this as an invitation to submit next year.
  • If you are interested in promoting your product or company, we provide sponsorship opportunities. Please get in touch if you're interested in learning more. A 1-minute pitch at the beginning or end of your talk is acceptable.


We cover travel, hotel, and child care, as well as access to the conference. Let us know if you have any other requirements.