EventCentric 2025 - COVID-19 Policy - Software Modelling & Design Conference

COVID-19 Policy

For all our events, including conferences, workshops, and social events, we take the COVID-situation seriously. We want to reduce the risk of infection as much as possible, and keep everyone safe.

We will adhere to local government regulations and guidelines, and when deemed necessary, take additional measures at our discretion. As regulations and best practices around COVID management for events evolve constantly, we may change our approach up to the last moment.

At the time of writing there are no requirements in The Netherlands. Up to date info is here. However, there are specific regulations for Non-EU residents: please check the current official CORONA travel-regulations.


If you have any questions or concerns about our COVID-19 policy, please do not hesitate to contact us via contact@dddeurope.com.

What we expect from you

This policy applies to all participants, including visitors, speakers, organisers, vendors, sponsors, and staff.

During the event, as well during your interactions with other participants outside the event, we expect you to adhere to both local governmental measures and our additional measures.

Our measures may include:

  • Providing proof of vaccination, or a recent (<24h) negative test, upon entry of the venue
  • Mandatory use of face-masks
  • Testing attendees upon entry
  • Limiting capacity to certain sessions

This list is non-exhaustive.

If a participant doesn’t comply to the policy, the event organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or removing them from the event with no right to a refund.

The event will be indoors. Feel free to wear a mask during the event. Please be mindful of visitors that would like to keep their distance from other participants.

What you can expect from us

Together with the venue and our suppliers, we will take appropriate measures to create safe conditions for everyone, based on regulations, best practices, and guidelines.

Our measures may include:

  • Creating fresh air flows
  • Providing masks and disinfectant dispensers
  • Adapting catering for safety
  • Limiting capacity for certain activities
  • Air quality control monitoring

This list is non-exhaustive.

What if you can’t attend anymore?

Our general Terms and Conditions apply for cancellations by the participant.

However, under the following conditions, we will refund the full cost of the ticket when:

  • there are travel restrictions to or from your country of departure
  • you are tested positive by the organisers upon entry of the event venue

Any other reasons are at the discretion of the organisers.

Disagreement with the terms of this policy, or unwillingness to comply with the measures during the event, will not be grounds for a full refund, except as stipulated by the Terms & Conditions.

What if we cancel or postpone an event?

If the conditions or local regulations make it impossible to organise the event responsibly, the event will be postponed.

After a new date has been announced, the participants will be given the choice to transfer their ticket to the new dates, or to receive a full refund of the ticket cost.

Changes in the program or schedule of an event are not grounds for a full refund, except as stipulated in the Terms and Conditions.


We will not reimburse any expenses that you may have made, such as travel, accommodation, or any other kind. We advise you to choose refundable travel and accommodation options.