EventCentric 2025 - Program

Automating Business Processes

EventCentric - Talk (50min)


Ian Cooper

Ian Cooper

The problem space for software is often the automation of a business process - everything from obtaining a quote for insurance to purchasing food from a grocery. Often we understand and resolve these problems in ad-hoc fashion. In this talk we deep dive into the analysis, design and execution of business processes. Along the way we will over thorny topics like orchestration, choreography, routing slips and sagas.

First, we will look at working with your customers to discover their use cases and associated business processes. We will cover value stream mapping, event storming, but particularly domain storytelling as a way to discover your customer's business processes. Then we will dip down into tools like BPMN or Service Blueprints, to see how we model the processes that we have discovered.

Then, we will look at how we create solutions to automate these processes. We will consider your implementation options from embedded workflow engines (which may be as simple as a bespoke state machine or pipes and filters architecture) through to external workflow engines like AWS Step Functions and Azure Logic Apps.

By the end of this talk you should feel comfortable understanding how to identify, model, and automate your organisations business processes..

About Ian Cooper

Polyglot Coding Architect in London, founder of #ldnug, speaker, tabletop gamer, geek. Tattooed, pierced, and bearded. The 'guv' on @BrighterCommand