EventCentric 2025 - Program

Event Sourcing – the what, why & how

EventCentric - Talk (50min)


Anita Kvamme

Anita Kvamme

Curious about Event Sourcing? Wondering what it is, why you should or shouldn´t use it, and finally how to build it? Look no further!

This talk will break it down for you in plain, simple terms. Firstly, event sourcing will be introduced. Then it shows a toolbox for understanding why to use it, by explaining the benefit of these kind of solutions, together with the hard parts.

Finally, an overview of 4 building blocks that is all you need when building event sourced business applications will be given. These are writing with commands, read models, reactors, and the event store. Hopefully those 4 building blocks demystified event sourcing, and outline patterns that you can apply to your own solutions.

About Anita Kvamme

Anita is a UX passionate software developer. She has more than 25 years of experience with creating complex business critical applications, mainly for Equinor ASA, a huge Norwegian energy company.

Anita has experience from all parts of the software design process, lately focusing more and more on software architecture and hands on coding. She enjoys spending her workdays using her knowledge of the users and their domain and applying this insight toward the utilization of Domain Driven Design principles in the process of implementing event centric business solutions.